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OCTOBER 2023 Futurecast

EXCITING: I’m in a movie + spokesmodel of a perfume brand!

October has been a whirlwind for your favorite Cosmic Coach.

I posted a rather racy dance photo of myself on social media—and 2 hours later I got cast in a movie because of it. (Yep, that photo)

  • Film director Shawn Welling (‘Monstrous’ and ‘NarcoSub’) needed someone tall, thin, with a great body, who moves well to play an otherworldly character in an upcoming movie about outer space, spirituality, and saving planet Earth. He saw my photo online, realized a ‘cosmic coach’ would be perfect for a cosmic character, and immediately called me. 

  • Next day I’m at his beautiful home meeting the movie crew and receiving my script. Executive producer Lee Majors (‘6-Million Dollar Man’ and ‘The Fall Guy’) welcomed me warmly, offered me his seat and a glass of wine, and told me he was once married to a former ballerina just like me. Meanwhile, he was teasing Ryan Gosling over text about the costume he wore in the ‘Barbie’ movie.

  • Following day, I’m on a movie set in 6-inch platform boots + a bodysuit filming action scenes with fire, rain, chains, and hanging from a crane doing aerial combat. I received a huge round of applause from the supportive film crew who couldn’t believe this was my first movie. The movie should wrap filming in December just in time for my birthday.

I got a DM from Kristi Moe, CEO of America’s #1 selling astrology themed perfume brand Zodica Perfumery, to be her spokesmodel at their Texas retail launch.

  • Kristi Moe of Zodica Perfumery is bringing her nationally loved fragrance product to Texas at a retail store launch on 10/19 …except, Kristi can’t be there. She’ll be stuck at a press conference in NYC and needed another astrologer to stand in her place. Kristi asked if I would attend the store launch as Zodica Perfumery’s spokesmodel, do mini-readings for VIP guests, and pair zodiac-themed perfumes with everyone’s individual astrology charts.

  • Click here to join me for Sips, Scents, & Stars on 10/19.

  • And, since Kristi can’t make it to Texas, we’re doing a video interview together so you can hear Kristi’s incredible story of how she combined astrology into the perfume business. Plus, get a sneak peek into her holiday scent blend to grab her zodiac fragrances for everyone on your gift list. Zodica Perfumery products are all organic, vegan, and cruelty-free.


October benefits relationships: romances + business.

But stay advised to carefully observe the heart and intentions of others. October demonstrates different types of power, including: Black Magic, White Magic, and Sex Magic. You need to know what kind of influence you’re under.

October also includes chance encounters (especially online or while traveling), notes from heaven, secret messages + trips. Make strategic moves, but do it in stealth mode.

The month ends with an explosive Halloween Weekend that brings both excitement and conflict linked to money, property, or an unexpected expression of sexual lust.

Have you ever heard the Greek myth of the Golden Apple that started the Trojan War?

Eris, goddess of discord and chaos, felt snubbed that she wasn’t invited to someone’s wedding. Eris showed up anyways- uninvited- and tried to finagle her way into their sacred union. As a ploy to create a wedge amongst the lovers, Eris threw a golden apple between her and the other women that read: “To the fairest.” The lovers’ wedding was ruined as rivalry, distraction, chaos and fighting ensued while the women began competing for who was to be named ‘the fairest of them of all.’

In the stars this summer, Eris- goddess of discord and chaos- aligned with the North Node of destiny right at the end of July/beginning of August. Disruption in relationships, an interloper in your relationship, or a disruption in doing what you love may have caused discord and chaos in your life during July, August, and September.

‘Dis-cord’ means “where we are away from the heart”.

Discord derives from the Latin translation of ‘dis’ meaning separate, against, removed, or away from, and the French translation of ‘coeur’ meaning heart.

An event or person may have pulled you away from your true love or true desire at the end of July/beginning of August. October begins the process of re-connecting you back to your heart from now through holiday season. You may be ‘picking up the pieces’, mending a broken heart, reharmonizing a severed relationship, or getting back in the groove on passion projects. 

Another reason October takes a different tone is because Venus- the goddess of love- and Lilith- the holy whore goddess representing the ‘other woman’ or the primal wild woman- shift out of their summertime signs in high-drama Leo into the sovereign sign Virgo. If you got involved with ‘the other woman’ this summer, you may find yourself now dealing with or thinking about ‘the other woman’- but, in reverse: the original woman. October shifts our romantic palette from drama, seduction, and excitement towards honesty, integrity, and purity.

In the Ancient Wisdom Teaching known as “A Treatise On White Magic”, Tibetan Master Djwal Khul teaches that purity of intention is the key determinant of magical power.

Only those with the purest of hearts receive the highest levels of holy magic- becoming individuals who can perform hands-on healings, oracular prophecies, and miracles. And since Love is the highest power, only when we have a pure heart can we fully receive the alchemy of romance.

The Tibetan Master also teaches that a magician’s designation of power is bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit based not only on what they have done—but also on what they have not done or failed to do. The ancient treatise teaches that the purity of our hearts is judged on both truths and untruths. Be careful of subtle slights-of-hand in your integrity. For example: “I didn’t lie (truth) ….I just didn’t tell the whole truth (untruth).”

What you commit and omit is judged when the purity of your heart is assessed by the Holy Spirit to determine how much ‘magic’ or spiritual power you are worthy of wielding.  

October 2023 highlights where you have been influenced by discord- meaning where you have been pulled away from your heart- to pick up the pieces and reconnect to your true love, whether that’s a relationship or a passion project. October invites an examination of the purity of your heart, asking you to be observant of both what you are doing and what you haven’t done. Most particularly in romance, you’ll discover that genuineness of intention far outlasts the drama of attention.

Book a session to find out what Friday The 13th, Full Moon, and Eclipses mean for you!


Aries Full Moon ignites twin flames, karmic connections, love and destiny.

The 9/29 Aries Full Moon brings a fiery finale to summertime drama with a surprise insight or experience about Love, Money, Women, Appearances, or Happiness that challenged you during July, August, and September.

You may burn bridges with exes or old situations—or fully relight the flame in a romance or scenario you almost lost during the summer.

Temptations, affairs, and situationships that cropped up during the summer may soon get extinguished as lovers seek to patch things up with their primary partners.

Heartbreaks incurred over the summer can be forgiven and smoothed over, or fully moved on from.

For those whom love left lonely over the summer, you’re back in the game turning heads and holding hands—likely with multiple suitors.


It’s time to start talking to new people.

October socializes with budding business contacts and fresh admirers as messenger Mercury shifts out of the constellation where it’s wonky summer retrograde generated broken promises/contracts, miscommunications, silence/ghosting, and logistical impracticalities.

It’s imperative to clear up misunderstandings and relationship missteps from summer.

See things from the other person’s perspective. Perhaps you’ve been only seeing the situation from your own point of view, likely casting yourself as the hero or the innocent victim and casting the other person as the villain or the perpetrator. However, with a fresh outlook, you may have more compassion for putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and seeing how events could have looked from their perspective. Have greater empathy for other people’s actions and reach more harmonious resolutions. There’s an opportunity to rebalance the scales, offer an olive branch, and create peace where there was disharmony. 


What’s sexy now is clean relationships.

Choose a love that feels pure, innocent, & genuine.

Relationships that got started under questionable circumstances or which have incurred unsavory entanglements now seem less appealing as romantic Venus shifts into sovereign Virgo. You want to start over or start anew. You long for a love that carries higher intentions and feels like the real deal. Genuineness of love in the fall looks more attractive than drama in love during the summer. As the dust settles or the initial glamour fades off, you might be looking at a partner wondering: “Can I really live with this?”

A sharp aspect from assertive Mars and powerful Pluto could bring up some pangs of regret, remorse, or revenge about how relationships in the past have been handled. You’re wanting things to be different moving forward. There’s a sense of ‘blowing out the crap’ in order to look at relationships with a clearer, fresher set of eyes and to be a bit more honest about what each person is bringing to the table (or hiding in the closet).

October 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th could be especially intense about bringing up relationship karma that has yet to be reckoned with as the past comes back to bite in the form of ‘the other woman’ or the ‘primal woman’ when the dark feminine asteroid Lilith aligns with love goddess Venus.

For those who got involved in affairs, situationships, or overlapping relationship timelines this summer, you may find yourself thinking about or dealing with ‘the other woman’- but in reverse: meaning the original woman you were partnered with before going astray, or the woman who is your proverbial competitor for a mate.

For those who got smited in relationships this summer, unresolved anger towards those who disrespected your heart may emerge in the form of revenge plots—even if the best revenge is simply moving on to be successful, happy, and outdoing those who did you wrong.


Release control and step out of power struggles.

If summer left you bankrupt, brokenhearted, or energetically barren, October surges with the chutzpah to re-empower your life. It’s time to get up off the floor, get going, and get what’s rightfully yours—primarily in achievements and business. Over the next six months from October 2023- Spring 2024, you’re back in gear with career goals and money making, especially if things had been slow since this May.

Also, is there a situation you’ve been hung up on or obsessing about? It’s time to step back or walk away. And that doesn’t mean you’ve given up or that the situation won’t still work out in your favor. In fact, it might even work out better than you could have orchestrated.

If you’re hesitating to let go, fearful that it means that you haven’t ‘won’ or that things won’t result as you envision if you’re not sticking your fingers in the middle of everything, pause to realize the ways that perhaps things aren’t yet working out because you keep sticking your fingers in the middle of everything. Surprisingly, when you let go, you may find that things unfold more naturally on their own without your constant meddling.

Speaking of meddling, exposures the veil on where you have been caught up in some form of negative influence, subtle manipulation, illusion or deception—whether you’ve been the propagator or recipient.

Cracks begin emerging in the façade, revealing that things aren’t quite as they seem. Everyone involved will slowly come to realize that things aren’t working out because things aren’t adding up. The ability to see signs of insincere intentions, omitted information, or toxic behavior raises healthy red flags that provoke a deeper examination of what’s really going on before everyone gets more deeply entangled. These subtle, slow, yet meaningful realizations help you carefully back out of a situation that was bound to blow up.

In some cases, people might even realize they’ve been the victim of Black Magic.

Someone wishing to influence you may have used low-level ceremonial rituals to affect your energy and manipulate the circumstance you two are involved in.

Are you acting out of character? Are people are telling you you’re behaving differently (and not for the best)? Are you agreeing to things you would normally say no to or would at least have second thoughts about? Have sudden health issues strangely popped up or erratic emotional behaviors emerge or mechanical issues with your home/car/technology are occurring ever since this person arrived in your life or when you are around them? Is everything else in your life falling away- leaving you with only the option presented by this other person?

If you’ve been the victim of Black Magic, don’t fret: someone only uses Black Magic when they’re already on the losing end of what your Free Will truly desires.

Black Magic naturally falls apart on it’s own once the illusion has been realize. It can only have power over you when your Free Will is unaware that its being manipulated.

These subtle energy manipulation techniques are a desperate grasp at power in a situation where your Higher Self is already leading you in a different direction. Black Magic originates from a negative intention (which the Holy Spirit never appreciates) and is really more of a manipulation rather than true magic. It always fails in the end and is rather easy to undo. Once you realize another person is making low-level attempts to coerce your energy, you naturally become more immune and it stops working.

In tough cases where you’ve gotten stuck with some intensely negative influence, you can go have a professional energy healer remove it. Black Magic is always low-level stuff and it can never withstand those who use White Magic which is originated from a pure heart, good intentions, and is in alignment with your free will.  


When you get that ‘I’ve got a feeling’ feeling, you’re probably on to something.

Strategy and covert operations color ‘spooky season’ as you position for something- but don’t yet reveal your cards. Stealth is the name of the game in October and November as action-taker Mars cruises through the secretive constellation of Scorpio. Trust your instincts about people and opportunities—for better or worse.

Observe the situation from all angles and waiting for just the right moment to strike (which might come during the last two weeks of October). Conjure power moves by methodically weaving a web of potential dominoes that when triggered fall in your favor.

Additionally, erotic alchemy could be a pathway for emotional or spiritual healing during October-November if sex is used as a tool for transformation. In fact, including sex magick rituals- whether done solo or with a partner- may help amplify your manifestation practices. If relationships were rocky this summer, sex with the right person could offer a sense of renewal, healing, and confidence during the fall. For some, you might have sex with a past lover to finally finish unfinished business between you two as part of settling your romantic karma by saying ‘goodbye’ with a bang (pun intended). For others, experimenting with power dynamics or taboos during sex may help you unpack psychological layers.

10/13: LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE- Love Portal.

Friday The 13th resets relationships with one of the biggest cosmic events of the season.

Love gets called to the stand as a Solar Eclipse in the constellation of Libra highlights themes around relationships, fairness, justice, and doing the right thing. Have you cleaned up the skeletons in your romantic closet? If a relationship got off course this summer, you might need to apologize, re-visit, forgive or ask for forgiveness to clear your romantic karma so that your love life can move forward with fewer strings attached.

The interesting thing about karma is that it follows you everywhere- even after the original incident subsides. You might be tempted to think you can just glide on to new scenarios without ever looking back, but what you’ll find is that unusual roadblocks inevitably keep popping up throwing your new scenarios off course and you’ll wonder why. A quick look in the rearview mirror will remind you that there’s unrectified romantic energy that must be addressed so the scales can be balanced, the debt paid, and the lesson learned. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be painful.

Rectifying our karma is mostly about owning our choices, taking responsible action, and acting with a pure heart.

In all cases, the Libra Solar Eclipse re-writes your love story and checks in on your emotional ethics in relationships. It’s time to clean up your act and show up with more integrity in partnership. The eclipse might reveal where you’ve been behaving with blind spots or falling in love with blinders on. A course-correction can awaken you to a more sincere way of loving. Click here to read my full article: Top 5 Questions To Ask Yourself About Love.

For all lovers out there- especially the singletons- love feels new this fall. Summer was high drama with intense breakups and passionate unions (including a few hot trysts/affairs for some and absolute cold zero nothing for others), but fall is all about purity in love.

Those already cuffed will be examining the practical everyday realities of togetherness, wondering: “Can I really live with this?” and finding simple joys now more pleasurable than extravagant experiences.  For singletons, the next two weeks from 10/14-28 are hot for meeting someone special. If summer left you lonely or heartbroken, then you’ll likely link up with a new hand to hold this fall. Except this time, rather than attracting a relationship with an epic storyline or partner who takes you on a rollercoaster of romantic highs and lows, you’re focused on attracting a someone who is truthful, faithful, accountable, and pure in heart.


If you’ve been waiting to say something or ask for something, this is the perfect time.

Getting a clue. You might have an ‘aha moment’ or good idea, receive a special message or reach out to someone with a special message, or lock in an agreement/contract when intellectual Mercury aligns with superstar Sun on 10/19-21. There’s an opportunity for chance encounters, particularly if one is traveling or on-the-go, or the encounter serendipitously occurs from far away. If your intuition tells you that you need to go somewhere or be in a certain place at a certain time, then trust it and act immediately.


Low-key DM’ing or NDA signing.

Finally putting a strategic plan together to execute on what your intuition has been nudging you towards all month long when intellectual Mercury shifts into investigative Scorpio for the next three weeks. Go where your gut (and heart) are telling you.

Interestingly, this may involve some secret messages or secret trips over the coming weeks into November-December. Make moves, but you don’t yet reveal all your cards or go completely public with your plans or relationships. Put feelers out to make sure that all parties are mutually interested or put feelers out to explore possible opportunities—especially if the relationship or opportunity involves another location. There will likely be some low-key DM’ing or NDA signing over the next few weeks.  

10/28-29: TAURUS LUNAR ECLIPSE- Bombshells.

‘F@%! Around And Find Out’

Whatever has been building all month around covert actions that involve trips and chatting now reach a pitch point and it’s imperative to take swift action on ideas or desires right around Halloween Weekend.

The moment will be hot and fleeting—you’ll miss it if you don’t live ‘Carpe Diem’ (or ‘La Vida Loca’). This is less about finesse, and more about just doing the damn thing. Be prepared to go all the way- this energy isn’t fooling around.

And remember that other parties involved aren’t fooling around either. If you’re making big promises or big decisions, you better be able to deliver. And if you’re cutting cords or throwing punches, you better be able to handle when the other side swings back.

Excitement + Conflict marry under the eclipse energy so anticipate that your bold daring might make certain parties involved uncomfortable or disgruntled. Do it anyways. Maintain the attitude : ‘Fuck around and find out.’ This will be especially true if the decision involves money, property, or expressing sexual lust.

PSA : Do watch out for health problems, violence or aggression, or accidents around Halloween Weekend as the rambunctious energy is highly volatile.  

Book a session to find out what Friday The 13th, Full Moon, and Eclipses mean for you!