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A Biblical testing period of epic proportions starts NOW!

July initiates a three-month summer series of overlapping retrogrades that transforms our Relationships, Finances, Gender Dynamics, Aesthetics, & Social Karma. This three-month retrograde series includes a re-writing of our traditional “Romeo & Juliet” love stories, the largest government takeover of private banking in US history, and it all kicks off in July with a time cycle mentioned in both the Bible and Buddhism.

Have you ever heard the expression “40 Days + 40 Nights”?

It appears in the Bible as a testing period for three key Christian figures: Noah, Moses, and Jesus. Noah endured the Great Flood for 40 days + 40 nights, Moses wandered in the wilderness with the Hebrews for 40 days + 40 nights, Jesus contemplated in the desert refusing temptation by the devil for 40 days + 40 nights, and Jesus remained on earth after his crucifixion for 40 days + 40 nights.  

The eastern spiritual figure Buddha meditated under a tree before reaching Enlightenment for 40 days + 40 nights. 40 days and 40 nights is also a popular Hollywood movie about celibacy and romance starring Josh Hartnett.

But did you know this legendary 40-day testing period is actually an astrological reference to Venus?

Every 18-months, the planet Venus- symbolic of Love, Money, Women, Pleasure, & Appearances- goes Retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights. It’s a period of metaphorical abstinence where we withdraw from the pleasures and distractions of life to inwardly assess our true values and notice where our external priorities are out of alignment. We may feel tested by temptation or feel we must go without our usual comforts during this cycle.

July 22nd-September 3rd 2023 is a review period of Love, Money, Women, Pleasure & Appearances—and it might hurt.

The Venus Retrograde kickoff is coupled with two other significant retrogrades overlapping the summer cycle.  First, the 6-month Chiron Retrograde kickoff- or review period of the metaphorical ‘wounded healer’ from summer until Christmas- digs up your deepest pain, shame, vulnerability, and regret in the areas of Self-Advocacy, Courage, and Expressing Healthy Anger. Next, a three-week Mercury Retrograde cycle from August 27th-September 15th – or review period of the metaphorical ‘messenger’- will layer on top of this adding Crucial Conversations and Changes In Agreements/Contracts for an intense summertime transformation.

Especially if you have lots of planets with the Fixed Signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, or Scorpio in your personal birth chart then this Venus Retrograde will be extra intense for you—definitely come see me for an appointment using the ‘Retrograde Relief’ discount link at the bottom of this page.



  • Themes: Unrequited Love, Unavailable Love, Love On The Backburner, Breakups-Makeups-Breakups

  • What To Do: focus on re-writing your love story, take a dating break, end a relationship, fall in love with yourself.


  • Romantically Involved: “Where do we go from here?”- limbo in between big steps, or breaking up.

  • Single: “Where’s the love?”- hard to find a date, or time off from dating sprees for self-care.

  • All: “That looks like a good time”- watch out for the temptation of affairs and revival of exes.


On the world stage, we might see epic relationships end (remember when “Brangelina” was no more?) or temporarily reunite (remember when “Bennifer” got back together?), and we can definitely count on some infamous affairs getting publicly exposed (remember the President Trump and porn star Stormy Daniels tryst?). There could also be technical glitches, legal challenges, or negative reviews of popular dating apps (remember the Tinder and Grindr app dangers?), as well as heated social debates about relationship rights across diverse communities (remember the gay marriage debates?).

A major review of traditional masculine/feminine roles in relationship may reach a boiling point over summer as now more women are getting college degrees than men, many women now outearn their male counterparts, and women control the economy as the primary consumer spenders—yet many of these same women are still expected to also fulfill traditional feminine roles such as childcare, household duties, and social planning in addition to the traditional masculine ‘breadwinning’ role. In fact, one of the hottest trends being reported by divorce attorneys is more women filing for divorce than men and their reason being “they simply ‘don’t need the men anymore’” or the women being “emotionally unfulfilled and the men aren’t putting in the emotional effort.” Looks like our classic Romeo & Juliet love stories are flipping heads.



  • Themes: Income Loss, Unemployment/Layoffs, Financial Delays, Reconciling Debts, Side-Hustles.

  • What To Do: focus on minimizing expenses, paying off debts, leaving a job you hate, start a side gig.

  • Employed: “Am I going to make it?”- surviving staff cuts, or making your monthly number during a slow period.

  • Unemployed: “Why is no one hiring?”- non-responsiveness to resumes/interviews, or delays in employment start dates.

  • All: “Am I living within my means and aligned with my values?” – financial self-care looks good on everyone and having a side gig for extra cash is always a smart idea.


On the world stage, we might see another major banking crisis (remember the Silicon Valley Bank and Silvergate Bank defaults?), the devaluation of the US Dollar (remember the BRICS nations uniting to oust the ‘Benjamin Franklin’ and replace with a new currency?), the global push towards National Digital Currencies (remember how China placed almost all citizens’ bank accounts on their phones and the government could simply shut down your bank account if you disagreed with their politics?), and the collapse of some major corporations resulting in mass layoffs (remember when CitiGroup tanked?).

Keep an eye on the date of former President Trump’s indictment set for Friday July 21st as it coincides exactly with the Venus Retrograde kickoff date and is largely a media distraction from a potentially more important government usurpation: the kickoff of the Fed Now program launched by the Federal Reserve to nearly all commercial banks across the United States. Once implemented, it will represent the largest government takeover of private banking in our nation’s history. 



  • Themes: Influential Women, Missing Women & Children, Women’s Rights, Redefining Feminine Roles

  • What To Do: focus on supporting the women in your life and reclaiming your nurturing ‘Yin/Omega’ qualities.

  • Women: “What does it mean to be a modern woman?”- shouldering the weight of both traditional masculine/feminine roles or adjusting your expectation of what it means to ‘have it all’ in today’s world; reaching out in sisterhood to other females.

  • Men: “How can I be an ally to the feminine?”- trying to figure out what women really want from men nowadays; supporting a special female in your life or removing a toxic female from your life.

  • All: “How can I restore feminine Yin/Omega qualities to my life?”- allow for play, pleasure, caretaking, and slowing down.


On the world stage, anticipate the spotlight on powerful women such as presidential candidate Marianne Williamson or women in the hotseat such as VP Kamala Harris (remember the Hillary Clinton debate about if a woman would be fit for presidency?). Also, a spike in women’s rights issues around the world such as abortion legislation in the US (remember the overturning of Roe vs. Wade?) or crimes against women in undemocratized countries (remember the women’s revolt in Iran earlier this year?). Intensified interest in missing women + children as global concern over human trafficking escalates (hello Hunter Biden prostitute smuggling sex tapes and hello “Sound Of Freedom” child-trafficking awareness movie) (I find it no coincidence that “Sound Of Freedom” was debuted in July the same month Venus Retrograde starts). And you can bet there will be continued debate over defining ‘what it means to be a woman or man’ among the Hetero vs. Trans sects and basic social rights for the LGBTQ+ communities.



  • Themes: Makeovers, Entertainment, Too Much Of A Good Time

  • What To Do: Re-image your style or online presence, redecorate, clean the closet, have fun or scale back excessive indulgence.

  • Looks: “What is my image or space saying about me?”- aligning your aesthetics authentically with the way you want the world to see you, or encountering a makeover nightmare or remodeling delay.

  • Play: “Am I happy?”- having more fun in your everyday life, or facing the consequences of irresponsible fun (ex: DUI, overspending, or partying too hard into underperforming at work).


On the global stage, Hollywood will be in the hotseat as widespread allegations of pedophilia, adrenochrome harvesting, satanic rituals, and gross overspending taint the public’s trust in what used to be our favorite entertainment institution. Not to mention even Hollywood’s stars themselves are unhappy with the major picture studios who want actors to sign over legal rights to use their images/voices with AI so that robots can replicate the actors in the future. In fact, Hollywood actors are currently on strike as of the publication of this article (hello Fran Drescher aka ‘The Nanny’ standing up as President of the Screen Actors Guild saying no to AI taking over actor’s jobs). Similarly, the pornography industry is receiving greater scrutiny under increased public awareness around human trafficking and child pornography.

We may also hear of some summertime lawsuits in the beauty industry against major fashion designers discovered to be using forced child labor and brutal sourcing practices of exotic animal skins, as well as potential cosmetic surgery recalls for implants/injectables causing unintended problems in certain consumers (hello Breast Implant Illness).

Destiny Shifts: Love + Battle

Another key feature of July’s launch of the biblical 40 Days-40 Nights testing period is the destiny-defining shift of the Lunar Nodes into the Aries-Libra polarity for the next eighteen months from 7/19/23-1/5/25.

The Lunar Nodes symbolize our collective karmic destiny: the North Node points to where we are headed as a society and the South Node points to what we are leaving behind or reckoning with as a society.

When the Lunar Nodes move into new constellations every eighteen months we often see major changes in social trends.

Starting in July 2023, the North Node shifts into the warrior constellation Aries. Positively used, this could support the rise of many trailblazing entrepreneurs starting their own businesses after corporate conglomerates failed them, an increased interest in military + first responder businesses, and competition among corporations and countries to become the ‘first’ to pioneer something in their field (such as colonizing another planet, or electing a woman or minority to office, etc.).

On a personal level, this increases our independence and ‘me first’ attitude, our self-advocacy and ability to stand up for ourselves, our sense of adventurousness to break out of the safety zone and take risks that set our soul on fire. Think of the spiritual heroine Joan Of Arc or the tv character Zena Warrior Princess or real estate mogul turned UFO investigator Brandon Fugal as emblematic of this Aries North Node energy.

The South Node shift into the peacekeeping constellation Libra signals qualities society is leaving behind or still coming to terms with. It is important to note that the North and South nodes always shift into opposite constellations, meaning that part of our ongoing collective karmic destiny is to always integrate opposites or balance extremes within our social thinking. Regarding the Aries-Libra nodal shift, It is particularly interesting to note that Aries and Libra classically symbolize the polarities of male-female, war-peace, love-hate, self-relationship, and action-attraction.

The South Node shift into Libra could signal we are leaving behind or still reckoning with social inequality between genders, Masculine vs. Feminine ways of leadership, an ineffective-at-best and corrupt-at-worst justice system, and the suppression of pleasure + relaxation + wellbeing in the face of a hyper-productive burntout work culture.

Here’s the downside of this destiny shift: it’s going to intensify any pre-existing conditions related to war and upsetting the balance of relationships. If interpreted in its most extreme possibility (just playing Devil’s Advocate here!), this could literally translate as we are leaving behind the peacekeeping and heading straight for the war and we are leaving behind traditional gender dynamics/traditional gender roles in relationships and heading straight for the flip-flop, or that we are leaving behind the hope of having relationships altogether and heading straight for self-sufficient singledom.

But remember this: the key to Lunar Node shifts is always in integrating both sides of a perspective and striking a balance—let’s hope equilibrium prevails!


Starting next month, the messenger planet Mercury will go Retrograde for three weeks from 8/23-9/15 adding to the pre-existing retrogrades from Venus and Chiron already launched. This could signal an important change in life plans during Aug-Sept, a key trip (or key trip that falls through!), a crucial conversation that gets the ball rolling in the right direction (or an exchange that terminates your agreement!), and a breaking point—or break through. Mercury already begins moving into this critical position now from 7/28-10/4 before finally subsiding.


THE BOTTOM LINE: The three-month summer spread of July-August-September is poised to change our Finances, Relationships, Gender Dynamics, & Aesthetics as well as our Social Karma. There is a series of geocosmic planetary triggers which overlap, stirring up each step of the summertime transformation in sequential calendar dates- starting this month with the infamous ‘40 days-40 nights’ testing period of Venus Retrograde described in both biblical and Buddhist legend.

If you’re feeling nervous about the Venus Retrograde, the good news is that every major spiritual figure who endured this 40-day testing period- from Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Buddha- always came out on top, and so will you.

My job is to coach professionals like you on how to make better decisions by being in alignment with geocosmic energy patterns.

Because the summertime retrograde series is so intense, I’m offering a ‘Retrograde Relief’ discount on sessions in July, August, & September.

So if you if you’re feeling like “What the heck is going on in my life”, or you just haven’t come to see me in a while, or you’re enrolled in one of my coaching programs but want to add additional sessions to help you survive the summer, then click the link below to schedule a session using the special price. Plus, you can use this link to book as many Retrograde Relief sessions as you need to this summer- save the link and share it with a friend.


AUGUST 2023 Futurecast


JUNE 2023 Futurecast