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JULY 2019 Horoscope

Do you trust your instincts?

Cancer season from June 22nd-July 22nd activates our primal subconscious and tests how well we can take care of ourselves. Cancer is the fourth station in the sky, following Gemini in the zodiac calendar; Cancer closes out the season of spring when new life emerged and heralds the season of summer where life becomes established.

It is the time in nature when life forms which left the nest in spring realize they are out there on their own and they must make their own security, and represents for each of us our inborn ability for self-preservation. Cancer season amplifies the instincts that ensure our survival needs get met, that we are safely protected from distress, and that we’re aware of what’s happening with those in our surroundings.

If you reflect on the biggest mistakes in life, many of them happen when you’re not paying attention to your real feelings—or worse, when you’re trying to override your gut responses. Most people describe this sense of inner knowing as ‘intuition’, ‘having a feeling’, ‘following a hunch’, or ‘listening to that little voice inside’. It’s this part of ourselves that seems beyond rational thought, yet is often strikingly accurate. The planetary arrangements during Cancer season highlight the areas of your life where you may need to listen to your intuition and provide a bit more care.

Read on to discover your opportunities for July:

  • Good horoscope: Read for your traditional zodiac Sun sign (based on your birth date).

  • Better horoscope: Read for your Rising sign (based on your birth time with your birth date).

  • Outstanding horoscope: Read with a professional astrologer such as myself (based on your birth date, birth time, and birth location alongside present/past/future planetary measurements).


Your instinct for greater work-life balance is spot on, so nurture your home and family. Children or household members may need your attention this month, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to share quality time with them. It’s also an excellent time for putting the bow on creative projects around the house or hosting a social gathering at home that forces you to tidy up in preparation for guests.

For those with children, greater balance may be needed between parenting styles or shared parenting duties; it could also be recognizing that one’s career commitments are pulling you too far away from your domestic center. Necessary conversations start around July 8th and assessing the payoff of greater work-life balance emerges by July 11th.


Your nose for negotiation is keen, so cultivate conversations and secure promises in writing. There might be a contract linked to money or property that you’ve been assessing, and this is the month to finalize your decision. Seek counsel in wise experts, then put your pen on paper.

You are particularly persuasive now, so its good to initiate any kind of conversation where you wish to hold the advantage or extract information. There could also be a discussion that’s been looming with a household member or regarding domestic matters, it’s okay to bring it up now. Exchanging words might be inevitable around July 11th, and everything feels straightened out by July 25-26th .


Your intuition about investments is strong, so take care of material/financial resources and build trust with people worth investing in. Carefully cull over accounting of your bank statements, income records, and assess if you’re charging what you’re worth. This is an excellent time to call in any money or favors owed, as well as wrap up any financial paperwork that’s been hanging out there incomplete or terminate any financially binding contracts that aren’t fruitful.

Initiate conversations about money with an employer, financial advisor or beloved. Mercury, planetary ruler of your sign, takes its Retrograde or review cycle through your information and money houses from July 7th-31st and you may have been feeling it’s shifts as soon as June 19th. Material matters should be reaching final organization towards July 27-28th.


Your instinct about love is accurate, so show yourself love first and fill the rest of your cup with affection from others. July is the most important month for you this year; pay attention to how the direction of your life is shifting, which could be prompted in part by changes with your partner.

It could be that a partner is leaning on you, which requires you to shore up financial resources as well as emotional resources to support them. It might also be about discovering self-sustaining love from the care you produce within that isn’t dependent upon what’s happening with others.

If you’re single, this lesson about self-love is especially important and will ultimately make you more attractive to a prospective mate; this month, single souls should spend on feeling good and invest in protecting their own material security. The July 2nd eclipse in your sign will be the most important date of the year, supported from July 3rd-27th when Venus highlights the upcoming changes with a beloved, money or money linked to a beloved.


Your gut reaction about a wellness need is important to heed, so take care of your physical + mental health and pay attention to how the demands of a job or daily schedule are impacting your wellbeing. Make time for rest, healing and reflection as your body may be expressing subconscious needs that are difficult to read when you’re caught up in everyday busyness.

Take action on your own behalf, which may include butting heads with others about how much expectation is reasonable, withdrawing from the public eye for a moment, and setting better personal boundaries…with yourself. Ignite your self-authority on July 1st, 8th, and 11th and notice feeling more like yourself from July 22nd-31st.


You sense a shift in social dynamics, so carefully observe who is a true ally and who might be an obstruction. Friendships, social groups or professional networks are an important support system. However, you may need to be more discerning in where you are dedicating time and effort.

Is there a person or organization that you need to speak with in order to position yourself more favorably for future ambitions? Or perhaps a direct discussion is needed with a friend or member of your social network to confront an outstanding issue?

A blossoming romance could require a brief hiatus or healthy confrontation in order to be more truthfully aligned. Leverage subtle tactics to carve out your position and gather necessary facts before being direct. Watch how the dominoes fall into place July 7th-31st, and make your move around July 6-7th.


Your intuition about needing to shift your public availability or career is supported by your family and desire to enrich your domestic life. If professional advancement is your focus, do you need to speak with a boss regarding promotion, seek higher opportunities at another company, or receive acknowledgment that is due for achievements?

Perhaps the converse is true that time away from career or social demands is needed so that you can nurture your private life or be taken care of by your family? Social affiliations such as friends or business groups may clamor to assist in your direction. The balance between external and internal is highlighted around July 9th-14th and again July 18th-21st.


Your itch for travel and learning is substantiated by conversations you’ve been having lately. In an effort to expand your horizons, heading to a different place might stimulate your perspective. It could also be that you’ve been wanting to learn something related to a professional credential that could enhance your income or a topic of great personal interest that longs to be satisfied.

Professionally, this is a great month to take your business to another location or to broadcast about your business to bring greater awareness. Get in the car, hop on a plane, or grab a laptop to project yourself from here to there. The relevance of career direction and a partnership is highlighted around July 10-11th.


Your focus on growing money is affirmed when you take care of joint investments and resolve debt. This is an excellent month to pay off or restructure debts, close down a credit card so you can live more lightly on cash, and check in on investments like mutual funds, retirement accounts or insurance policies—especially if those benefits are linked to an employer, business partnership or marriage.

In fact, its an excellent time for making money by selling possessions you no longer desire—your trash can become profitable treasure!  Clean house and start figuring out which financial items need addressing this month around July 12-13th with July 25th being a great day for you to take care of money security by facing it head on.


Your gut feeling about relationships is leading you towards personal peace of mind, so take care of a partnership through honesty and action. If you’re attached, you may be sensing that a big decision soon needs to made about the future direction of your union—likely whether it will continue escalating (and if so what significant step would enhance your emotional investment) or if it’s time to say adieu.

If you’re single, the desire to link up is starting to simmer—what approach will you take this time so that your future romance is more successful than past experiences? July is one of the three key months for you this year which also include January and December. Attention to the balance of relationship with personal direction is strong around July 2nd and 16th, with considerations most intense around July 18th-21st.


Your intuition about a work situation is right, so guard your subconscious from stress or manipulations of others. Work schedules, duties, colleagues or office locations might be in flux at the moment leaving you feeling like a million balls are in the air. Confronting the chaos via candid conversations with those in your working environment will help balance the load. Especially if there has been some ‘office politics’ getting in the way, now is time to set the record straight. Otherwise, work overwhelm could affect your health forcing you tInsight about creative projects is guiding your work, so cultivate creativity through fun, play and festivity—the best ideas arise when we’re not thinking seriously about it. You might need to think through a feasibility plan to make creative/entrepreneurial ideas blossom into a real business opportunity or become significant enough to be incorporated into your daily routine. Be careful if you work in a creative space that there might be colleagues jealous of your blossoming stardom. It could also be that you’ve been working too much lately and need to pause for vacation or recreation. If you have children, it would be wonderful to take time off from work to enjoy lighthearted fun with them. Creativity and leisure is emphasized July 19th-21st and focus on making fun career strides around July 25th. o slow down. A forced slow down via elective vacation might be a more favorable approach. Try getting away or clearing things up around July 17-18th.


Insight about creative projects is guiding your work, so cultivate creativity through fun, play and festivity—the best ideas arise when we’re not thinking seriously about it. You might need to think through a feasibility plan to make creative/entrepreneurial ideas blossom into a real business opportunity or become significant enough to be incorporated into your daily routine.

Be careful if you work in a creative space that there might be colleagues jealous of your blossoming stardom. It could also be that you’ve been working too much lately and need to pause for vacation or recreation. If you have children, it would be wonderful to take time off from work to enjoy lighthearted fun with them. Creativity and leisure is emphasized July 19th-21st and focus on making fun career strides around July 25th.

Ready to reveal the secrets of your stars?

This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for each zodiac sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.

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