OCTOBER 2020 Horoscope

What does spooky season hold for your stars?


  • Good horoscope: Read for your traditional zodiac Sun sign (based on your birth date).

  • Better horoscope: Read for your Rising sign (based on your birth time with your birth date).

  • Outstanding horoscope: Read with a professional astrologer such as myself (based on your birth date, birth time, and birth location alongside present/past/future planetary measurements).

Calling all witches and werewolves- this Halloween season is going to be a spooky one! October contains a challenging double retrograde as Mercury the messenger joins Mars the warlord in a reverse trek across the sky. Situations already developing in August-September that involve frustration or thwarted action get explosive this month. Retrogrades always revive ghosts from the past, so who or what has lingering karma to resolve? Pluto- planet of secrets, death, and transformation- presses forward signaling it’s time to put these goblins in their grave…but expect that lots will get exposed before they rest in peace. Meanwhile, an unusual triple lunation lights fires in various corners with two full moons exploring interpersonal relationships and one new moon exploring financial security. Halloween itself is marked by an epic Full Moon aligned with Uranus- planet of surprise- and opposing a mysterious Mercury Retrograde. Put on your costume, grab some candy, and get ready to say “boo”! Read your horror-scope below:


Life makeover anyone? Everything about you could change during the fall season from your career, location, relationship, or even your appearance. What in your life needs the biggest ‘facelift’? Special emphasis could be placed on your reputation, status, public image, or leadership qualities from September-November.

Professionally, you could receive an advancement or change companies. Alternatively, you may be working to alter the way you are perceived in the public eye by getting a makeover or cosmetic surgery, cleaning up your social media look, or doing PR control on your reputation. You’re doing an ‘about-face’ during 9/29-10/4, 10/9-13, and 10/19.

Improvements in your body, health, and overall wellness are favored this month as well as improvements in your job or the changing of employment and lease contracts.

Meanwhile, there’s drama or excitement in the romance department during September-November. An established relationship may go haywire during spooky season. And beware of the returning ex! Amorous activities explode around the 10/1-4 New Moon in your zodiac sign (potentially building on something that first happened in March), take a sharp turn around 10/13, and keep bubbling through 10/16-17. Once the players are on the table you can really start working on things 10/27-11/28, though it may take all the way through December to finally sort out who makes the ultimate cut.


Solo or duet? Something is changing behind the scenes that you haven’t announced yet, and a romantic relationship or business partnership could be playing a huge role in that. A change in scenery or formalization/legalization of an agreement may be in process to sort out that bigger decision. You’ve got to get it figured out by the end of this fall because 2021 is going to be a more significant year for you.

You may be currently teamed with a lover where next step of the relationship feels unsure: Are we an official item, should we stay together, is something standing in the way of us getting closer? A former lover or decoy seduction could also confuse the direction of your attraction. Venus cruises through your party sector this month, so feeling social and flirty won’t leave you lonely for long should you decide to split from a pairing. Beware, however, that having access to too many romantic options could also leave you tempted to bounce to a new admirer without really working it through with your current love. An unexpected conversation or event around 10/7 initiates the emotional push-pull dance of the union from 10-13-11/3.

Professionally, a business partnership holds hidden frustrations. Alignment with this person or organization could change before next year, or at least be significantly restructured if you intend to keep it. 10/1-4 and 10/13-17 hint at the impending change of an employment contract, lease, or working arrangement. You may feel the way things are currently going is literally bad for your energetic or mental health.

A trip could help put things in perspective, or perhaps getting everyone’s agreements in writing. All situations heat up 10/25-31 with Halloween being a deciding moment.


Who’s on your team? Professionally, a team member or business collaborator isn’t holding up their end of the workload. It could also be that you are reconsidering an employment contract or office lease with a certain organization. Personally, a friend may fall out of favor or attempt to reconnect out of the blue. Romance holds unpredictable turns or exes could temporarily resurface as you relight old flames. Is someone in your inner circle making you sick- figuratively or literally? Maybe your affiliation with someone feels like a duty-bound obligation more than a joy? Decide who gets the ‘boo’ from you this Halloween season.

Ongoing situations peak during the First Week Of October. Emphasize wealth-building and business on 10/4 and 10/12. Privately, cultivate your domestic sanctuary 10/6-27 with nesting time, home improvements, and smoother interactions with family and household members. 10/10 is key for solitude or advancing domestic initiatives.

The Second Weekend Of October launches the Mercury Retrograde cycle which accelerates tension between a friend or lover surrounding issues of intimacy, trust, or closeness, or team and organizational issues as they relate to your wealth-building objectives. Take steps to make desired changes around 10/12, 10/18-21, and 10/24.

The energy shifts on 10/27 into next month during which time you feel more social, romantic, and festive. Your love life will then become the focus for the rest of the holiday season.


Career moves? Fall forces professional changes, some of which could be linked to a business partnership or romance. Perhaps a career shift would make a relationship easier, or make time to start a family or take care of the one you already have. For others you may align with or separate from a collaborator to more strategically orient your future. A desire for greater personal creativity, entrepreneurship, more fun on the job could be a motivator. Whatever the reasons, your professional path is due to shift before holiday season is complete.

Work-wise situations that have been building since August escalate during the First Week Of October and continue heating through the Second and Third Weekends. Your family may have something to say about these events, or perhaps your location or home life are being unsettled as a result. October is excellent for networking, reaching out to prospects, telling others what you are trying to do, and gathering information. These scenarios won’t completely resolve this month, so stay tuned for more.

Romantically, love and career might intersect. Maybe you are relocating for love or going into business together. For others, a new job might place you in a circumstance to meet someone special. Those in an existing relationship could be thinking about babies or adjusting the household in some way. Singletons should watch out for a returning flame or tempting tryst that doesn’t pan out in the long run. Relationship activities take flight around the 10/4 weekend, again 10/9-11, and are more domestically inclined 10/15-18.

Take special care of family and household this month to help you feel grounded as these external changes occur.


Changing agreements? 2020 has been a transformative year in your work or health, and the fall season puts a final touch on certain work-related contracts, skills you’ve learned, or perhaps necessitates some soul-searching as part of your wellness regimen. This month a change in your location/household, with family, or with the home-base of your business sets you up to close out 2020.

Your everyday pace has changed this year; different tasks, scheduling, spaces, or coworkers has redefined what a job looks like and the rightful place of other priority duties in your life. It could be that an informal agreement or formal contract needs to end or be adjusted regarding work. Some may even deal with legal processing or key negotiations. It’s a smart month for securing money, so don’t let anyone cut you short. Others may deal with a change in travel plans or planned promotions; a sudden need to be at home or helping family might delay objectives for a bit.

Those dealing with health concerns could become more educated about wellness (learning yoga, disease cures, etc.), especially if their issues involve a test of faith (“Why would God let this happen to me?”) or remind them to incorporate spiritual practice into their bodily healing (such as prayer, meditation, or reiki).

This month you may lean on family members or vice versa, seeking domestic solitude for reflection away from the world, update or change residences, or even move your business. Hints about this start 10/7 and play out from 10/13-11/3 with Halloween Week being key.


Love and money? This year has lit up your pleasure center emphasizing creativity, romance, leisure, fun, babies or entrepreneurship. Who or what are you passionate about? This month love or money- or both- come knocking, so it’s time for key conversations and agreements.

Professionally, a change in your resources is in the works. Maybe you’re looking for a new gig, to expand a business, or make more out of a current role. Contract negotiations or interviews could strike hot from Oct-Nov, and you’re well-poised to push for dollars throughout this month- especially around 10/1 or 10/16. However, it’s going to take longer than you think to figure out what you’re doing next so let it play out. A quick trip or change in location could be part of the play. 2021 signals a strengthening of your skills, so it’s very likely a job change or expansion is already on its way.

Romantically, time to see if your values align with that of a prospect! Venus- the governess of love- knocks on your front door 10/2-27 so don’t be afraid to reach out, “have the talk”, or clear the air. Best days for meeting someone or deepening a connection are 10/10-12, 10/18-19, and 10/24. Especially if there have been some misunderstandings or a lack of communication, now’s the time for some verbal do-jo.

In spite of the double retrograde of Mars and Mercury, it’s still a stellar month for you as Venus graces your sign.


Relationship rescue? Romance is under hard review for three months from September-November, and it could be transforming your family, household, or location. You may feel obligated to a relationship for financial reasons, or wonder how much you’d lose by leaving. Otherwise the issue may be not sharing similar values or not feeling valued by your partner. ‘Tis the season for separations! Singletons may feel that love is temporarily unavailable, as if there were no decent prospects left on the planet. And everyone should beware of the returning ex. Whatever your relationship status, it’s sure to be a dramatic autumn.

Whatever has been building in the partnership department since August-September gets explosive the First Week Of October, especially around the weekend 10/1-4. You may have to call the cards with someone you love, or take a huge romantic risk. You may be balancing a shift in your living situation in the background. Meanwhile, a financial link could keep you entangled in a separation or help you positively advance a blossoming relationship. These situations escalate 10/9-19 and continue into next month.

Key pivot points arise 10/16 and 10/27 when the planets favor your zodiac sign, so plan more important decisions for those times. The union or domestic situation won’t get fully figured out until mid-November so plot your steps carefully. You’ll make the most progress after 10/27 into next month, and the single person will attract better prospects after that time as well.


Trick or Treat? Halloween has your name all over it this year as an epic Full Moon will align with Uranus, planet of surprise, and oppose a rough Mercury Retrograde in your zodiac sign. If ever there was a year for the werewolves and vampires to come out, it’ll be this one! Put on your costume, grab some candy, and say “boo”.

Corpses revive during a Mercury Retrograde in your zodiac sign from 10/13-11/3. However, the ghosts already started haunting your season last month: who or what have been prominent themes since around 9/23 up until now? Those very same people and scenarios could suddenly backtrack, get delayed, or you may literally get ghosted. You won’t start getting answers until after 11/3 and things won’t feel settled back into place until 11/20.

So much of this year has been about learning new skills and making/breaking agreements with others or organizations. Signs of change in a job or lease emerged as early as August, and the First and Third Weeks Of October advance progress surrounding work. But it takes all three months of the fall season to fully figure out how your daily life and work plans will get rearranged.

Meanwhile, a flip-flop could occur in your love life. If you recently picked one love interest you may suddenly switch them out for another. Otherwise, an old flame may catch your eye and nostalgia leads you to wonder if there could still be something more. Ongoing relationships could experience a speedbump that reminds everyone not to get too comfortable. Anticipate 10/25-31 to progress situations in life and love, with Halloween itself being perhaps your most critical pivot point all year.


Who wears the crown? Your major goal this year has been financial expansion so you may have changed jobs for a pay increase, started a side gig, added additional offerings, or made large investments. This fall puts your creativity and entrepreneurship to the test. You may find yourself asking “What am I really passionate about?” or “Do I still have passion for what I’ve been doing?” Advances in professional or financial efforts are best around 10/10-12, 10/18-21, and10/24.

An additional factor for some may be the desire to have a child figures into the long-term plan to establish yourself in a materially comfortable way, whereas for others an existing child may require more care which pulls you away from external objectives. For entrepreneurs who feel their business is their baby, it may be vitality has suddenly been drained from the endeavor and you’re scrambling to reposition.

Socially, a friend or romantic interest may have recently changed their role in your life and you’re unsure where to place them on your team or inner circle. Are they in or out? You might be mingling with new faces from 10/2-27 in an effort to replace that special person, or at least to secure a temporary hold until you figure out what the focal person is doing. Beware of a discreet affair that holds unexpected curveballs- it’s not what you think it is.

Meanwhile in the backdrop there are some hidden frustrations about your overall circumstance. You may be silently making other plans behind the scenes, some of which could involve endings, closure, and healing.


Who or where is home base? Getting grounded is key to the fall season so you might move, buy/sell property, update your living situation, expand your family, or reinvent the home base of your business. Overall, 2020 is a critical year that sets up your next 12-year growth cycle and the next three months are the final stretch in establishing decisions about location, love, and career. Get going!

The Mars Retrograde cycle from September-November questions if you’re in the right place to make your dreams come true or if family decisions would help ground your personal life. Domestic advancements may occur 9/29-10/4, 10/9-13, and 10/15-19, though the evolving picture won’t fully come into focus until November-December.

Dilemmas about a friendship, romance, or professional affiliation first emerge around 10/7 then take flight 10/13-11/3 during the Mercury Retrograde cycle. Love is a key element of your 2020 agenda, so what’s the status of a relationship? Career is another key element, so are you working for the right company or have you firmed up smart business collaborators? You’ve got three weeks to get those factors squared away. Halloween could prove an explosive or exciting turning point.

Meanwhile, a trip or legal negotiations may support your efforts this month.


Status update? 2020 brews with hidden plans, long-term strategy, and closing some doors in favor of opening others. This fall signals the final push in those efforts from August-December which require key agreements, important conversations or announcements, maybe even short trips and contracts in writing. December culminates everything you’ve been building towards and prepares you to debut a whole new life for yourself in 2021.

October focuses on the final touches of business transformation where you may change careers or companies, assume a leadership role, shift titles or reorient your public image signaling to others that you are headed in a different direction between now and November. 10/7 and 10/13-11/3 advance these objectives with Halloween Week 10/25-31 bearing fruit. This could require investment from outsiders, or more perks from a new employer. Focus on what others are bringing to the table financially and be sure to get all promises on paper. Some may even assess family decisions, location, or business location as part of this.

Important meetings to establish this understanding could happen verbally or digitally, but a brief visit in person might be good. You may struggle in deciding when’s the right time to announce the changes or pursue promotional efforts; PR would be good around 10/1-4 or 10/15-19.

Personally, you are wrapping things up on romantic leftovers from this year. Overall, love was a bit '“on hold” in 2020 as you await bigger things next year- of which a relationship will be part. Is there something left to be said or an outstanding promise yet to be fulfilled? Fall requires a clearing of the air or a clarification of terms. Those advancing in a relationship may be talking about deeper issues like combining finances or living spaces, or unmet emotional and sexual needs.


Richness in life and love? Fall focuses on finances and inner values as you consider future goals- and who you want to attain them with. During the last half of the 2020 a change in income sources or redirection of spending could be key to preserving net worth during a rocky year. A different team might be best to help accomplish this, so consider shifting companies or collaborators. In fact, a change in team dynamic is what you’ve been already working on this year. Personally, a dramatic reorientation of inner values could invite questioning about the direction you’ve been pursuing or if a friendship or romantic interest really represents the next chapter of your life.

Advancements in financial and teamwork situations progress around 10/1-4 and 10/16-19. Its a strong month for one-on-one interactions, so sit down directly with others for intimate discussions. A lawyer, counselor, consultant, or mediator could easily assist the process. You may in fact revise contractual agreements in October-November.

A trip holds the allure of refreshing your perspective, but anticipate travel plans might get delayed or experience inconveniences due to the Mercury Retrograde over the next two months. The same is true for those involved in educational initiatives at this time.

Personally, love is key this month as you long to attract a partner or be close to the one you’re with- especially around 10/18. You may fantasize about taking a trip, learning something, or exploring spiritually together. The single person could meet a foreigner or someone very different from you, perhaps while on a journey or attending an educational event. Whatever your relationship status, peek into what the other person values and speak to them in their native ‘love language’.

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This general horoscope is intended to provide overall guidance for each zodiac sign. When you're ready for more self-discovery, let’s create a personal horoscope based on your unique birth information that can provide instant insight into changes in the life ahead and when those changes might occur. Discover your path, and set the right intentions. I’m here to help.

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NOVEMBER 2020 Horoscope


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